Wednesday 9 January 2013


Since the previous rough cut, we have made some drastic changes to our soap opera trailer.  This included the addition of a professional-looking title screen and the rearrangement and addition of some shots (e.g the 'Cherry Garden Road' sign post shot has been put to the beginning along with a new shot of as church).

  • Liked the addition of the church and bells ringing since the last rough cut
  • The title screen at the end looks classy
  • They would definitely watch the soap after seeing this advert and think they would be dedicated
  • It's fantastic
  • Good actors found
  • The gap between the kids running and the man on floor is slightly too long
  • It looks really professional
  • I was lulled into a false sense of security by the bells which made me think i was going to see beautiful wedding scenes, so i was very shocked by the impact of the punch! It was a great contrast and made me want to watch the rest of the trailer, it is a great 'who done it?'
  • Left me in suspense, want to watch the actual soap now! And Marris Morris!
  • I don't know what's going on, but that is why i would want to watch it.
  • It would have been better with speech and i didn't understand the relevence of the music, but i thoguht it was really funny!
-Lauren Tween & Amy Bowman

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