Friday 11 January 2013


Within our trailer, we have to display the key facts of the soap opera. We've decided to show this in text at the end of the trailer including, the soap name, when it is on and ''. We've shown these as we wanted to keep to the channel 5 title screen (below) so our trailer has a professional look to it. Our aim was for it to look as much as possible like the genuine channel 5 screen, this means picking a font that matches this font as much as possible:

We spent a long time on IMovie looking at all the potential fonts types we could use we, this is the shortlist of fonts we found which could work:
  • Hiragino Kaku Gothic
  • Trebuchet MS
  • ITC Franklin Gothic
  • Ayuthaya
  • Damascus
  • Euphemia UCAS
  • Geneva
  • Coolvetica
In the end we decided upon Coolvetica.  We thought we would use this font as it was the most suitable we could find for what we were looking for.
Below is our final title screen:
The font is obviously not extremely identical to that of the Channel 5 title screens, nor is the positioning (the main white and red titles should be lined up and slightly to the left hand side.  Ideally the 'CHANNEL5.COM' needs to be further down and in-line with the other titles).  However, we did what best we could using iMovie and are pleased with the outcome.

-Amy Bowman and Lauren Tween

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