Thursday 13 September 2012


We each watched an episode of a different soap and roughly analysed them to find similarities and differences between them.  From our results we found that Hollyoaks in comparison with Eastenders has a lot more characters in one episode but not so many scenes.  This connotes that in these two specific episodes, Eastenders had more dramatic storyline which involved lots of scene changes, suggesting it was fast-paced and exciting.  Whereas the episode of Hollyoaks used more characters and not so many scenes connoting a maybe more relaxed and less dramatic episode.
There are some settings that have overlapped in the two soap episodes, such as the park bench, pub/bar area and the inside of a house.  This shows how soaps follow similar conventions to achieve their aim of a verisimilitude storyline.
Families issues are a recurring theme within these two soap episodes, showing again the conventions soap opera like to follow to achieve for a successful story line. In particular the make ups and break ups of couples, that as with other story line, contribute to Todorov's theory of equilibrium.
- Lauren Tween & Amy Bowman

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