Tuesday 16 October 2012


  Type Length
Shot 1 Low pan of Marris' body finishing close to face 6 seconds
Shot 2 Pan of people surrounding pub 6 seconds
Shot 3 Tracking shot of houses  4 seconds
Shot 4 Tilt shot from Beryls book to face 5 seconds
Shot 5 Close up of Marris' face 4 seconds
Shot 6 Hand held tracking shot of boys and dog 6 seconds
Shot 7 Close up, low angle of pub sign 4 seconds
Shot 8 Mid shot of Hetty and tea 6 seconds
Shot 9 Close up of Marris' face 4 seconds
Shot 10 Long shot on people outside pub 5 seconds
Shot 11 Mid shot of happy couple 5 seconds
Shot 12 Close up of Marris' face 5 seconds
-Lauren Tween & Amy Bowman

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