Friday 12 October 2012


Marris Morris: laying on right side on pavement confused/dazed/blinking/wincing
Inside of pub, we see various characters having a chat and drink.
After a shot of houses, cut to Beryl Clark reading, looking interested in the book.
Marris Morris: Blinking as he has flashback of important memories
Kirk Hudson and Dan Smith run away with dog on lead, looking worried and frantic.
After shot of pub sign, we see Hetty Clark with cup of tea looking depressed.
Marris Morris: looking ill
Shot of pub, once again we see various characters, enjoying socialising with each other.
A shot of happy couple
Marris Morris: Distraught at his memories

This script differs from our first draft script in the respect that we have made some minor changes to it in the hope that it would improve the overall trailer.  The biggest change is at the very beginning from Marris walking down the street before being punched to him laying on the floor after being punched.  We feel this will be more interesting for the viewer as they will be questioning what has happened to him.  The rest of the script we have kept the same - we want to create the illusion of flashbacks.  However we have added in the shot of Kirk and Dan running away with the dog to create a sense of urgency, hysteria and excitement to the opening the other shots are mostly slow-paced.

-Lauren Tween & Amy Bowman

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