Tuesday 27 November 2012


Shot 1Pan of Marris6 secs 
Shot 2Long shot of man entering shop1 sec
Shot 3Mid 2 shot of village people2 secs
Shot 4Upward tilt of pub sign2 secs
Shot 5High angled close up of Marris1 sec
Shot 6Close up of clenched fist 1 sec
Shot 7Upward tilt of Beryl3 secs
Shot 8Close up of Marris2 secs
Shot 9Downward tilt of phone box1 sec
Shot 10Over-the-shoulder shot of Dom and friend outside pub4 secs
Shot 11Close up of Marris1 sec
Shot 12Handheld shot of Dan Clark and Kirk Smith and dog running3 secs
Shot 13Long shot of man exiting shop3 secs
Shot 14Pan of pub2 secs
Shot 15Close up of Marris1 sec
Shot 16Establishing shot of road and sign post6 secs 

-Lauren Tween & Amy Bowman

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